Who Is A Member?

Definition of Active Member of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Bartow, FL. Inc.

Active member

An active member of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Bartow, Fl., Inc. is someone who joined the church by Baptism, Christian Experience, or a Letter from a previous church, who attends Corporate Worship regularly at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Bartow, FL., Inc. and serves God and other members of our church community responsibly and faithfully. It also means someone who gives their time, talent and money to further the Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Bartow, FL, Inc.’s mission in the community and throughout the world. 

Inactive member

If a member has not participated in any of the activities outlined above in the last 12 months, they no longer meet the qualifications of an active member of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Bartow, FL., Inc. 

Members will no longer be considered inactive if they resume the activities described under the active member category.


This definition of an inactive member excludes members of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Bartow, Fl., Inc.  who were previously active but are unable to attend worship because of an extended illness, aging, or caregiving responsibilities for a member of their immediate family. 

This exclusion also applies to members who have relocated because they or their spouse are in the military, or they relocate due to a job or enrollment in school.   They must annually communicate their desire to maintain their membership at Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church of Bartow, Fl., Inc. to be considered an active member.